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Biographies of the Stars

Sheldon Moldoff was born in New York City on April 14, 1920. He learned how to draw with a handful of chalk, using the sidewalks of Manhattan as his canvas.

When the young Manhattanite was just seventeen he sold his first cartoon and soon afterward became Bob Kane's first assistant on Batman, working with Bob on the Batman off and on for thirty years.

He started working in comics because as Sheldon puts it "Someone told me that cartoonists make a lot of money. Sounded like a great way to make a living!"

In 1940 he created both the Black Pirate and the Hawkman for DC. From about 1939 he was one of DC's most prolific cover artists, illustrating many covers, including the cover to All American #16, the first appearance of Green Lantern.

His style at the time was very illustrative, echoing his interest in Alex Raymond's "Flash Gordon", Hal Foster's "Prince Valiant", Caniff's "Terry & the Pirates" and his admiration for Norman Rockwell. This made him a very popular cover designer with DC's editors who kept him very busy.

In 1953 he became one of the lead artists on the Batman (Dick Sprang, and Win Mortimer were the other two lead Batman artists) which he drew for the next 14 years, with his work being inked by the wonderful Charles Paris.

Many of these Batman stories with Moldoff's art are some of the most fondly remembered Batman tales by baby boomer fans, with such great stories as "the Second Batman & Robin" (Batman #131), "Bat Hound, Movie Star" (Batman #103), "the Bat-Woman" (Detective #233) and the ultra-classic "Death of Robin" in Batman #156.

Sheldon left comics in 1967, during the big DC "clean out" when Wayne Boring, George Papp and several other golden age artists were let go.

From there he went into film production, working on numerous animated projects, one of which was storyboarding the Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse cartoon series as well as hundreds of others.

He also produced comic books for chain restaurants with a list including Burger King, Big Boy, Red Lobster and even for the Atlanta Braves and Blockbuster stores. His current project is the re-release of a feature length animated Marco Polo film on which he was the producer.

Sheldon has been a very popular guest at comic book conventions for several years now, making regular appearances across the United States, and meeting appreciative fans all over. A well liked favorite at conventions, he is always selling full color originals (for information, contact me at and he is a wonderful creator to speak with.

He lives in sunny Florida with his darling wife Shirley and this biography could not have been possible without his gracious help. Thanks Shel!

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* Ron Pussell, Incline Village, Nevada. It is in no way connected with the COMIC ART & GRAFFIX GALLERY, Virtual Museum and Encyclopedia, or Richard Halegua.

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